5 Modularity

For this scene I have taken inspiration from Kashyyyk from star wars. Kashyyyk is a forest world that is covered in very large trees and bush, because of this all the buildings are made from wood and are bridging between trees. This scene is made out of 6 modular sets being: 2 types of towers, a bridge, a barricade, some scrubs and a piece of a trunk.

When designing these set parts I wanted to keep in mind legal Lego building techniques and did not want to scale or place blocks in ways that would not be possible. It needed to fit into the Lego world and even be used inside a Lego star wars game or used as a plan for creating real world Lego sets. So this made the creation of making this scene quite time consuming as if I had taken short cuts it would defeat the Lego feel and would not fit into a Lego environment.


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