7 level design

For this level design project I wanted to focus on the design of a competitive shooter map. As i have been playing Overwatch for some time i felt that I had a understanding of how the gameplay flows through its maps and modes. Taking a step further I wanted to create a Competitive map for this game. Overwatch uses asymmetric level design to help shift the flow of the game from point to point. Coupled with the asymmetric heros this imbalance of the game actually results in a balanced gameplay as a whole. The mode chosen for this map is an assault/escort where the attacker are trying to drive a payload through the map and the defenders are trying to prevent them from getting to their destination.The theme i wanted for this map was a New Zealand theme, incorporating maori elements, coastal and a bit of art deco sadly I was unable to finish a lot of these assets.

The constant shifting of the main conflict zone as the payload traverse along its path allows for player to change and rethink tactics as the match progresses. Lines of sight are constantly changing and new cover spots appear. With lines of sight having them arranged in multiple locations was key. Placing them where the players would not want stay in a single spot throughout the game was also an issue that was solved when creating this map. Cover was placed around this map to help break strong lines of sight and help separate a complete shut down by one side. These cover only Blocked in certain directions which is important for a shifting conflict zone to help players move around the map.

With the 3 point capture system of this game mode the style of play changes. Starting off with point A, the assault from the attackers who are fighting an uphill battle. The attackers a greeted with facing a strong choke point funneling them into the defenders defence. The defenders have multiple lines of sight into this choke as well as a high ground advantage. But they have a longer journey from the spawn to the first conflict area allowing the attackers room for pushing onto the point. Also the map is designed where some heros with high ground taking abilities that jump them are able to bypass this choke by climbing the wall and gaining a good high ground advantage over the defenders.

With point B this is where the design is symmetrical and both sides have have the same advantages. Verticality is a key feature for this points design. A mix of high ground and low line either side of the payload as it makes its way to the next checkpoint. Both teams spawns are even with them being at both ends of the journey.

Point C is the final push but also the last stand. The defenders have a last chance high ground advantage as the path slopes up a hill. But this is the only form of high ground as this is a more flat zone in terms there is not many levels only a slope.

Finally along the side routs and rooms for cover are health packs. Along players to dive out of conflicts to quickly regain health to re enter into the fight.


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